Mariadocarmo's summary

Rural inquires: Yes

Age: 62 years

About Mariadocarmo

Occupations: __________

Education: University degree

My languages: Portuguese,French,English

My hobbies: Caminhadas, cinema, viajar

I can help with: __________

Phone number: Hidden

Residency: Leiria

Long description:

My name is Maria do Carmo and I'm a 58 years old, I’m a sociologist. I'm currently working with unemployed people in a public institution in Caldas da Rainha.
Me and my brothers were born and raised in Obidos Village. I have lived here all my life. I really enjoy making people feel welcome, to get to know them, to share experiences and to show all that my hometown Óbidos and the West coast in general have to offer. Places such as Foz do Arelho , Baleal and Peniche are mandatory. I'm also a food and wine lover so I'm more than willing to present to you the best produce of our region. Consider being my guests and you will have a great time. Everything you might need will be taken care of - personally by me -so that you can be free to enjoy a wonderful stay in Óbidos & Peniche.

Pasiones/intereses : Cinema , Literatura , Teatro , Actividades de estrategía , Ciencia , Cozinha , Viajens , Enología , Pintura , Música Jazz , Música Rock ,



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Casa do Gato que queria ser Pescador

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